Saturday, February 13, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Holly Wood

Feminine energy. Holly is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 8 July to 4 August. The sacred spear of Odin was made of Holly. The Roman god Mars rules over this mighty wood. Related to the elemental Earth. Associated by Druidic tradition to the grand majesty of the Unicorn. The Smith God Govannon considers this wood to be sacred.

Magical Properties: Purity, strength, logic, power transfer, protection. Holly wands are often used in magic concerning sleep. It is said that a man who carries the leaves and berries of holly is irresistible to women. Since the story of the ruler ship of the Holly King and the Oak King deal with cycles and rebirth, it is often used in magic to ease the loss of loved ones to death. It also carries properties of the sacred, material advance, physical revenge, and beauty.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Hazel Wood

Feminine energy. Hazel is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 5 August to 1 September. Associated with the elements of Fire, Air, and Water. Manannan Mac Lir, the Celtic Sea God, considered the wood to be sacred. Druids associated with the fish Salmon. Aligned with the Greek Goddess Aphrodite and the Celtic Goddess Danu, known by the elves and Arianrhod.

Magical Properties: Artistic ability, magical knowledge, and optimism are provided by the enchanting use of Hazel. The energy of hazel wands promoted love and creativity allowing a person to move beyond self-serving modes of existence. Hazel is the bringer of change. Hazel also promotes creative expression, eloquence, and art of all types. This was the most common wood used to create wands in the ancient Celtic traditions. Also used in magic spells for wisdom, creativity, intelligence, navigation, inspiration, and wrath.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Sassafras Wood

Native Americans and early settlers considered sassafras to be a cure all for all sorts of ailments. The root bark was once believed to be a curative, capable of treating everything from headaches to malaria, fever, liver problems, stomachaches and colds. In addition, the wand was believed to increase hunger. The wood, which continues to be used in furniture, was often used in flooring and bedsteads because people believed the sassafras fragrance would drive away bedbugs and other pesky insects.

Magical properties: Early settlers also believed that beds made from sassafras would drive away evil spirits and give people restful sleep. Eases problems with the digestive system. Burying money near the roots of a Sassafras tree brings prosperity.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Ash Wood

Female and Effeminate Male energy are present in Ash 18 February to 17 March. Ash is closely aligned to the elemental Earth. Ash is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology. Greeks associated this tree with Neptune and Mercury. The Druids associated this tree with the adder. The Nords held this tree sacred to Woden (Odin), the Nordic World Tree, Yggdrasil, is an Ash tree and is considered to be the father of all trees. The Welsh associated this tree with the God Gwydion.

Magical Properties: The Ash wand is an excellent wood for promoting brain power, aids in communication, intelligence, wisdom, and promotes curiosity. Use this wood to remove mental blockages and aid in the promotion of word use and understanding. It is the wood of the writer, poet, and scholar. Promotes spiritual love and health. Protects against unwanted change. Brings balance to the mind. It is said that warts rubbed on the bark will be absorbed into the tree. Use for protection from drowning, magickal effectiveness, sea power, and healing. Ash is also used for protection, finding special roots, horse magick, enhances skills of arts and crafts, justice, weather magick, and for working with the magick of cave and wells.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Elm Wood

Feminine energy. Often referred to as the home of the fairies. It is known to for its ability to ward away lightening. Associated with the Great Goddess in crone stage. Relative to the elements of both Earth and Air.

Magical Properties: Use of the Elm wands is strong in magic used concerning endurance, fertility, horticulture, passage thru death and phases of life, rebirth, and invocation of the Goddess. Elm adds stability, grounding, and focus to spell working.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Cedar Wood:

Associated with the Greek Goddess Persephone during her detainment in the Underworld. Also associated with the Celt Goddess Sezh that watches over the realm of fertility, herbs, and trees. Used by King Solomon, one of the greatest mystics of all time, in the building of the temple in Jerusalem.

Magical Properties: Cedar wands cleanses negative atmospheres. Used for the creation of sacred spaces. Related to longevity, protection, and preservation. Often used to summon helpful spirits during rituals and invocations.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Lilac Wood

A favorite of the forest nymphs and where they are surely Pan is close. Lilac is sacred to the Greek Twins Gemini. Associated with the element of Air.

Magical Properties: Lilac wands are good for magic dealing with romance, love, and passion. Superb when utilizing magics for the realm of intellect, communication, mental concentration. Enhances sexual pleasure. Lilac provides protection during travel. When dealing with illusion magic, this wood is very adequate, as with the divining arts.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Willow Wood

Feminine energy. Willow is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 15 April to 12 May. Willow is strongly aligned with the element of water and associated with the element of spirit. The Druids associated this tree with the hare. Diana, Hecate, Astarte, Ceridwen, Arianrhod, Rhiannon, and Omulan all consider this to be a very sacred tree.

Magical Properties: Willow wands are strong in the cycles of life dealing with death and rebirth, change, the will. It is a very emotional wood. Willow can add vital energy to the sick and elderly. Some say that burning willow can soothe and guide the souls of the recently deceased. Willow wood is the very essence of magick, not just the mere making a tool into a magical one, willow makes the tool magickal. Willow will align itself to the inner will of the party that shares its energy. The stronger the will, the more effective the wood. Willow is extremely useful in healing. It is also good for love spells and rituals involving emotion. It strengthens the third eye, and is a great tool for divination as well.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Black Walnut Wood

Feminine and Masculine energies are present in Black Walnut. Closely aligned with the elements of Earth and Spirit. Walnut is sacred to the Gods Vashaan, Zues, Jupiter, Thor, and Vishnu.

Magical properties: Black walnut wands are well used in magics of teleportation, astral travel, weather working, averting lightening, powers of the wind and breath, and motivation.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Apple Wood

Female energy. The apple wand is symbolic of fertility, peace, plenty and joy. A tree that is sacred to Venus and the Celtic Goddess Rhiannon. Apple is a staple food of the elven and fairie realm.

Magical Properties: This is a powerful wood of choice for the witch when working with the fairie magick. Apple is a good wood for aiding in the propagation of skills, often used in love magick. Apple wood promotes peace and harmony, magick of light and the divine, and promotes visions.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

As a Picture Framer

Birch Wood

Male energy. Birch is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 24 December to 20 January. One of the first trees to naturally establish in cleared forests. It is a tree of new beginnings and establishments. Closely aligned with the element of water. The Druids associated this wood with the white stag.

Magical Properties: The Birch wand is used in many cleansing rituals. Birch is a symbol of rebirth, renewal, and diligence. Some use this wood to aid in the calming of emotions. The bark helps to heal wounds and burns. Many European communities use or have used, birch twigs to expel evil spirits. Some cultures utilize birch rods in rituals designed to drive out spirits of the old year. Controlled by Moon influences to include; birth, Lunar spells, healing, and protection. Birch by tradition has been linked to youth and new beginnings. Use in rituals that signify a new start of any endeavor.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Magical Properties of wood

Magical properties of wood:
 As we progress in our spiritual development we need specific woods to assist us in balancing our energy.
I as a picture framer can assist you in the type of wood with the energy you require.
For instance
Oak Wood :

Strong Masculine energy. Oak is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 10 June to 7 July. The Druids associated the oak with the Wren. Closely aligned with the elements Earth, Water, and Spirit . The Oak is considered to be the most powerful and the most sacred to the Druids. Wizards consider this the most amplified wood to use to in spells that work with time and counter spells. Sacred to the Irish God Dagda.

Magical Properties: Truth, steadfast knowledge, protection. Oak wands bring vitality and long life. To the ancient Celtic people, oak was the protector, provider, benevolent king of the trees. Utilized as a healing wood, and very will grounded considering its strong connection to the earth. This wood helps center the mind, allowing it to focus on the task at hand and ignore distractions. Oak help promote both observation and intuition. Oak magic inspires bravery, presence, leadership skills, prosperity, and strength.