Sunday, February 7, 2010

Magical Properties of wood used while i Frame your picture

Hazel Wood

Feminine energy. Hazel is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 5 August to 1 September. Associated with the elements of Fire, Air, and Water. Manannan Mac Lir, the Celtic Sea God, considered the wood to be sacred. Druids associated with the fish Salmon. Aligned with the Greek Goddess Aphrodite and the Celtic Goddess Danu, known by the elves and Arianrhod.

Magical Properties: Artistic ability, magical knowledge, and optimism are provided by the enchanting use of Hazel. The energy of hazel wands promoted love and creativity allowing a person to move beyond self-serving modes of existence. Hazel is the bringer of change. Hazel also promotes creative expression, eloquence, and art of all types. This was the most common wood used to create wands in the ancient Celtic traditions. Also used in magic spells for wisdom, creativity, intelligence, navigation, inspiration, and wrath.

1 comment:

  1. Hazel sounds very powerful. You say "Hazel is a sacred tree of Celtic Atrology 5 August to 1 September". I am not versed in Celtic Astrology. Is that the phase of it's power?
